initials M T

There’s a trend emerging that requires one to commit and invest. It’s terrifying, it makes you shake with fear and drown in self-doubt, but I hear that in the end it’s worth it. At least, I can’t keep living in this perpetual bubble just because I’m too afraid of consequences, variables, and reactions I can’t control. And that trend is…blogging.

Hi, my name is Michelle and I am a self-confessed addict to impulsive decision making and bad (or excellent, it really depends on who I’m talking to) puns. I live for social media and the flux of the digital landscape, in my spare time and my work. I am a walking contradiction – of energy and extreme sloth-itude, of incredible exuberance and mild reticence. I love to be spontaneous and in the moment, but I adore plans and schedules and ticking things off in my diary. I am introspective and self-aware of my character flaws, yet do nothing about them. But I’m working on them, I’ve got time and I’ve got people in my life who are going to be there every step of the way. So you know what, I think I’m going to be okay in the end.

This blog is a space for my ideas, my thoughts and everything in between. I want it to be a collection, of writings that I know I won’t finish, or a safe space for my creativity to be explored, however rare these nuggets of inspiration may pop up. I want to prove to myself that I can commit to something, to follow through on a decision and not give up or make excuses. It’s high time I push myself to do better, not just enough. Just enough gets you by, just enough gets you through life. But that’s existing in its most post-modernist form.

We are exposed to a multitude of information and sensationalism. There is little to no escape from media, but how you react to it can change you perceive, well, everything. Take what is out there, what you read or hear or watch or see, and give yourself enough space and time to decide how you feel about it. Because there are endless perspectives and opinions, and they might not be right or accurate or even coherent to you, but it could be all that someone else believes. You don’t have to respect or accept it, you just need to understand it.

So here’s the conclusion to my debut blog entry: we’re all getting there in the end, so don’t feel too bad when you fuck up. Someone else probably did it first.

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